Alexandru Meterez


Hey, I'm Alex, and I am a CS PhD student at Harvard co-advised by Prof. Cengiz Pehlevan and Prof. Sham Kakade. I am fortunate to be supported by a Kempner Fellowship in my research. My main interests are in Deep Learning theory and neural network optimization.

I aim to understand how these models learn from data by developing a theoretical framework backed by empirical evidence. My research philosophy is to balance theoretical rigor with providing strong intuitions for observed phenomena.

I finished my Data Science MSc at ETH Zurich working with Gunnar Rätsch and Francesco Orabona (KAUST) and my CS BSc at UPB working with Iuliu Vasilescu. I also interned in various places.

Preprints (*: equal contribution)

Publications (*: equal contribution)


I was born in Romania. I used to do a lot of systems programming back in my BSc years. I am also an advocate of open-source software. Some of my hobbies are running, reading, swimming, and since I mostly commute by bike, bike fixing.

parts of this website are borrowed from this work